Pregnancy Complications

Pregnancy is a very special period that needs a lot of attention. A female body undergoes a number of changes during the gestation. It is a common experience to have mild headaches, nausea, dizziness and other minor discomforts. However if symptoms get even a bit disturbing, females should contact their doctors immediately. Lack of control and care may lead to serious pregnancy complications that may affect a baby as well.


Future parents should be informed about all common types of pregnancy complications and in case of noticing any of the symptoms, should be able to act accordingly.


Some of the common pregnancy complications include :


Nausea and vomiting

Nausea and vomiting are very frequent symptoms during pregnancy. While it is a common knowledge, females should also know that if nausea gets severe, it may be serious. Pregnant women suffering from heavy nausea may not be able to drink or eat. Malnutrition and dehydration can do harm to baby’s development.



Bleeding during pregnancy is a serious issue and needs an immediate attention.

It may indicate several things throughout the pregnancy. Heavy bleeding accompanied by abdominal pain could be a sign of ectopic pregnancy. Depending on the period of gestation when the bleeding occurs, it may mean miscarriage or placenta separating from the uterine lining (“placental abruption”).


Flu symptoms

Immune system weakens during pregnancy and makes females less resistant to flu. Doctors usually recommend pregnant women to get the flu vaccine. During gestation, females are more likely to experience flu complications that may become harmful for a baby too (in some cases even causing miscarriage). Flu vaccination is safe for mother and has benefits for a baby. When  pregnant female gets vaccinated, antibodies are delivered to baby via placenta and protects child up to several months after delivery. Additionally, mother’s strengthened immune system can have a positive influence on unborn baby’s development.

Healthy meal plan, good rest and sleep, exercise and hygiene are the best things to follow in order to avoid getting sick during pregnancy.



Extreme sadness is a surprisingly common issue during pregnancy. Changes in body during and after pregnancy are usually responsible for symptoms similar to depression – anxiety, being moody and restless.Females may also feel irritation and swings in appetite. Mother’s extreme sadness has a negative influence on a baby. Sometimes if depression is severe,  women may even think about harming themselves or babies. Therapy and medicines are essential to regulate mother’s mental condition.


Preterm labour

If female has regular contractions before the 37th week of gestation, it can be due to preterm labour. Before 37 weeks baby is considered to be premature and the preterm labour may cause health problems to him/her. If labour starts too early, it can be even fatal for a child. Medicines are used to delay the labour and a bed rest is usually advised. In sake of survival and satisfactory health, it is better for baby to be as mature as possible at the time of delivery.



Preeclampsia is a serious condition and is diagnosed if a pregnant female has high blood pressure, too much protein in urine or problem with kidneys. Symptoms may also include blurred vision, headaches and dizziness. Preeclampsia starts after 20 weeks of pregnancy. Many females develop mild symptoms near to the due date. Doctors will need to induce the labour as delivery is the best option during the condition. These females will usually do just fine and give a birth to healthy children.

However situation may be risky if the symptoms are severe and it is too early to deliver. Doctor will have to watch mother and a child very closely, give them appropriate care, recommend bed rest and prescribe medicines to lower the blood pressure.


High blood pressure

If mother begins to have high blood pressure after 20 weeks of pregnancy and has no other symptoms, both mother and baby should be watched closely in order to exclude preeclampsia.


Gestational diabetes

Gestational diabetes or glucose intolerance means high blood sugar levels during pregnancy. Body doesn’t produce appropriate amounts of insulin, hormone that regulates sugar. In most cases, condition is temporary and mothers are able to control their blood sugar levels. They need to exercise and follow diet from their doctors.

Poorly monitored and controlled diabetes can cause serious consequences for a baby (early delivery, breathing problems). It may also increase the risk of preeclampsia.

Later in life, females who have experienced gestational diabetes, have a higher chance to develop type 2 diabetes. It is essential for them to control their weight and lead healthy lifestyles.


Ectopic pregnancy

Ectopic pregnancy is a condition when fertilized egg attaches itself outside of the uterus(instead of the inside). This kind of pregnancies are also referred to as tubal, because majority of them  occur in the fallopian tube. Symptoms may include abdominal  pain, dizziness, fainting and bleeding. Unfortunately ectopic pregnancy is a serious complication and needs to be spotted timely. It can be fatal because internal bleeding will begin if embryo tears the fallopian tube. There is no way to place tissue inside the uterus, so ending pregnancy is the only option during this condition.


Baby’s (fetal) problems

Unborn baby’s health should be monitored regularly.Sometimes females may feel them moving less than before. Doctor may also discover that  baby is smaller than normal on the certain stage of pregnancy (gestational age). In order to detect baby’s health issues, such as problematic organs or problems with growth, doctors will need several tests. Treatments may vary. Sometimes it is advised to deliver early. On the other hand, baby might not be in trouble at all and mother may only need a special care(bed rest) before the delivery.


In order to prevent serious pregnancy complications, health of a mother and a child should be monitored regularly. Additionally, parents as well as other family members, should do their best to provide healthy and caring atmosphere for the yet unborn member of their family.