Surrogacy – Possible Financial Risks

When thinking about surrogacy and choosing destinations for either  heterosexual or LGBT parents, it is essential to mention financial factors. For example in the USA and Canada, prices are considerably higher than in Ukraine, Georgia or Mexico. However, it does not matter which destination intended parent(s) will choose – affordable or expensive. The amount to be paid is not small in any case and there are several financial risks to be aware of in advance.


What we are going to write about will not happen inevitably and patients will not necessarily face financial issues. It is just our great desire to prepare our readers for any kind of outcomes. For that reason, we have to discuss the worst case scenario and be sure, that future parents are well prepared psychologically and financially for any unforeseen complications. Imagine following cases:


Case no.1

In vitro fertilization attempt is successful on the very first time. Procedure leads to pregnancy and no additional finances for IVF are needed.


Case no.2

First IVF attempt did not appear to be successful and there is a chance that patients are going to need several more. Parents might have to pay for 4 or 5 procedures until the results are finally successful.


Case no.3

First IVF attempt did not succeed and patients need to try further. They have already purchased guaranteed surrogacy packages offered by the agency and they do not have to pay anything additionally. Clinic however, will continue doing IVF procedures until the results are successful.


Case no.2 has the potential to require a lot of finances and is a possible threat to the surrogacy process. If parents run out of financial resources and are not able to proceed any further, they will have to quit the program until they collect sufficient amount of funds. There is indeed no guarantee that IVF will be successful on the first try and some intended parents need much more than that. The best way to avoid unpleasant surprises is to be financially ready for about 5 IVF attempts. Parents should always have a solid financial backup for unforeseen situations.


When talking about best practices, case no.3 would be a perfect example. A lot of agencies are offering so called guaranteed surrogacy packages. This means that initially, parents pay somewhat higher fee for the package. In case of failures, further IVF attempts are already included in the package and until success, clinic performs further attempts absolutely free of charge.


Patients may not want to purchase the guaranteed surrogacy package for some personal reason and prefer to rely on extra funds that will be put off for unpredicted circumstances. However, readers should definitely take into consideration that the agencies, which offer guarantee packages are usually more organized and have a higher success rate in comparison to ones that do not.


Top 3 Egg Donor Agencies

Choosing the right agency is always of the greatest importance.Today we will reveal top 3 egg donor agencies in the world, but first of all, we have to define our “rules”. When we are talking about professional agencies, it’s pretty obvious that most of them have pretty big donor databases and are doing their job successfully. Choosing the best of best of course includes agency’s individual and careful approach towards each of the patients.


However, apart from reliability and availability, we decided to add more criterias while choosing the best ones:


  • Agency provides not only anonymous, but known donors as well.
  • Agency has travelling egg donors.
  • Agency’s database includes donors from different ethnic groups.


Egg donors from the top agencies travel all around the world upon patients’ requests and needs. These agencies have years of experience in handling tasks even abroad and until today maintain a very good reputation among colleagues and intended parents. Moreover, they treat their egg donors with great care and attention, which is also a huge step forward to success.


New Life Egg Donor Agency

We have granted the honourable top position to this agency, because since 2008 their egg donors have travelled literally all around the world. Their database includes :

  • Ukrainian egg donors
  • Polish egg donors
  • South African egg donors
  • Black African egg donors
  • Chinese egg donors  
  • Thai egg donors
  • Indian egg donors
  • Caucasian egg donors


Global Egg Donor Agency

Global Egg Donors may not have such a various choice in Asian donors, but their steadily good reputation and the years of experience with travelling donors indeed deserve our top ranking and appreciation.



Nurture egg donor program is doing amazingly well, with great service and responsibility they are always at patient’s disposal. However, their databases only include donors from South Africa and United Kingdom.


Reasons of Using an Egg Donor

How should parents know if it is time to start thinking about finding an egg donor? What if it is too early or what if donation is not needed at all? We will try to figure it out.


First of all, we have to mention that egg donation has become really successful. Procedures that use fresh embryo (! not frozen) have the likelihood of 43% to result in pregnancy.  A number of couples that want to expend their families have now the possibility to do so.


Situations vary. Females may experience fertility issues of several kinds. It is advisable to use an egg donor, when :


  • Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) level is high

In females, FSH helps to regulate menstrual cycle and produce eggs by ovaries.  Doctors measure the amount of the hormone in a blood sample. High level of FSH may mean the loss of ovarian function, menopause, polycystic ovary syndrome, chromosomal abnormality or the inability of the body to produce good quality eggs for fertilization.


  • Luteinizing hormone (LH) level is high

Similar to FSH, LH hormone regulates menstrual cycle and egg production. Doctors measure its amount in a blood or urine sample. Normally, levels of LH and FSH are rising and lowering simultaneously.  High levels of luteinizing hormone may also mean ovarian failure.


  • Anti-mullerian hormone (AMH) level is low

AMH is a substance produced by egg sacs, containing immature eggs. Blood test will reflect the remaining egg supply of a female. If the hormone level is low, the ovarian reserve is low accordingly.


  • Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

PCOS is a condition when female hormones are out of balance. We have already discussed this issue and you can read more about polycystic ovary syndrome on our blog.


  • Females are over 40

As we have already mentioned several times, age plays one of the major roles in infertility. Females in their 40s usually have high FSH and LH hormone levels, as well as low AMH level. With age, body’s reproductive system is becoming less functional. Females over 43 years tend to use egg donors for better outcomes. Ageing of Europe is also a demographic phenomenon and is characterised by a decrease in fertility. Many couples avoid creating/expanding families until they are 40. Consequently, their chances of reproduction without assistance are decreasing significantly. Same applies for the USA.


  • Females have menopause

Menopause is a normal, biological process for females in their 40s or 50s. However, it stops menstrual period permanently and so does it end fertility.


  • Mother may transmit a genetic disease

Many couples prefer to use an egg donor in order to prevent transmitting genetic disease to a child.


  • Several IVF attempts have failed

As we already said, in vitro fertilization is a process of fertilizing egg with sperm outside the body, in a laboratory dish. After couples have experienced 4 unsuccessful IVF attempts and doctors think the egg quality is poor, then it’s better to consider finding a donor.


Egg donation is used widely by LGBT couples. Same sex male couples from all around the world as using the donation  procedure to expend their families and become parents.


If couples experience above mentioned issues and doctors have already advised to think about donation, then they got a reasonable motive to do so. However, with the right agency and professionals, there is nothing to worry about 🙂


Endometriosis – Symptoms and Treatment

Endometriosis is a pretty common issue among females who have fertility problems. It doesn’t always cause infertility, but is definitely the condition to be aware of.


What is Endometriosis?


Endometriosis is a condition, when tissue that is supposed to line the inside of the uterus, grows outside out it. This condition is experienced by millions of females around the world. Endometriosis is not necessarily painful or dangerous but unfortunately this can be the case as well. Commonly, endometriosis includes ovaries,fallopian tube and may spread beyond pelvic organs as well. Pelvic organs include bladder, uterus, vagina, small bowel and rectum. Clumps of outside grown tissues are called implants.


Normal sequence

As we already said, uterus is lined with tissue called endometrium. Each month, when body releases hormones, endometrium thickens and gets ready for eggs. If egg is fertilized, it attaches to endometrium and then embryo starts to grow and develop inside of the uterus. When female doesn’t get pregnant, thickened endometrium breaks down and comes out as blood – female menstrual period.


With endometriosis

Outside displaced endometrial tissue continues to act as it would normally do – thickens, breaks down and bleeds with the menstrual cycle. But now, implants are outside the uterus so the blood doesn’t have the way to exit the body. Instead, they may be painful and irritated.  Sometimes they can form scar tissues and cysts(fluid filled sacs).

Main complication of endometriosis is considered to be infertility. It may block the tube so it doesn’t give sperm and egg the opportunity to unite. Up to 50% percent of females with endometriosis experience fertility issues. Doctors suggest that females who are planning pregnancy, should not delay it as endometriosis may become more severe with time. Infertility is only common with stage IV endometriosis and can be easily conquered on lower stages.



Based on location, depth and region of extent, there are 4 stages of endometriosis.

  • Minimal – Mild scarring and minimal implants.
  • Mild – Mild scarring and minimal implants.
  • Moderate – Cysts, severe scarring.
  • Severe – Cysts, severe scarring, infertility.


Symptoms of endometriosis


Doctors do not know the exact reason of endometriosis and sometimes symptoms are not visible at all. However, there is still a list of common symptoms that females with endometriosis experience :

  • Fatigue, nausea and diarrhea – especially during menstrual periods.
  • Severe menstrual cramps, abdominal and lower back pain.
  • Pain during sexual intercourse.
  • Pain with bowel movement or urination.
  • Infertility


Diagnoses and Treatment


Endometriosis is sometimes genetical. Doctor will ask about family history,  symptoms, period history and past health conditions. Most likely, female will need a pelvic exam and ultrasound in order to examine the inside of the belly. The way to treat and diagnose at the same times is laparoscopy. This is a simple surgical procedure when doctor inserts a thin, lighted tube through a small cut in the belly. Scar tissues, implants and cysts are best seen with laparoscopy and in case they are spotted, doctor can remove them during the same surgery.

Other kinds of treatment include counter pain medicines, such as advil and aleve. Birth control pills and hormone therapy  are used widely to treat endometriosis, however females planning the pregnancy can not take them.

If female is close to menopause, then it is better stick to treatment with medicines. Once period goes away, so will diminish the problems caused from endometriosis. However, females who are fighting infertility, are strongly advised to not delay the pregnancy and do not use hormone therapy and birth control pills in their treatment routine.


Surrogacy in Ukraine

Ukraine is considered as one of the most popular surrogacy destinations for heterosexual couples. We are going to introduce some of the interesting details and then try to decide, whether Ukraine is a suitable choice to consider.


Ukraine is one of those very few countries in Europe that are accepting surrogacy. The capital Kiev is a safe, active, developed and a beautiful city. The development of the country matters in our case, because it is connected with the quality of medical service as well. No worries, in Kiev there are several professional surrogacy agencies and a number of clinics with high quality service and equipment. There are medical centers in other cities as well (Odessa, Lviv, Kharkov and so on). Success rate of IVF is as high as up to 60%. Doctors are professional and caring. Pricing whatsoever is relatively affordable (up to 50% lower) in comparison with USA and Canada.


Surrogacy in Ukraine is legal, which obviously means that it is regulated by the law. Regulations are indeed advantageous for intended parents for the following reasons :


  • No need of adoption

Ukrainian law allows to issue birth certificates with intended parents’ names. No matter what the real biological tree looks like, baby’s documents will only have the names of IP(s) in them.


  • No disputes

Thanks to regulations, there has not been recorded even a single dispute about the custody over the child. Actually, it is not allowed for surrogate mother to be an egg donor at the same time. No genetic connection of a surrogate with a child, contributes to the absence of conflicts as well.


  • Families don’t experience delayed stays 

No complications with documents + no dispute about parental rights = no delayed stay in a foreign country.


Requirements for intended parents (IPs)


In order to participate in a surrogacy program in Ukraine, IPs have to be married. Additionally a  couple has to provide surrogacy agency and clinic with medical reports. They should prove that the couple’s decision to proceed with the program is reasonable. Conclusion should be the following – intended mother is not able to bear a baby herself, without a surrogate mother. Reasons may include :


  • Absence of womb
  • Deformation of uterus that makes pregnancy and delivery impossible
  • Diseases that do not allow to bear a child, because it may become fatal for mother
  • At least 4 unsuccessful IVF attempts with embryos of high quality


Surrogate mothers’ age should be between 20-40 years. They are required to have at least one child previously.  

To sum up, let’s list pros and cons of Ukraine as a surrogacy destination.




  • Professional doctors
  • Well equipped clinics
  • Professional surrogacy agencies
  • Low costs
  • Simple collection of documents




  • Ukraine is not a member of European Union (strict legal EU protection does not apply to clinics).


Verdict : When intended parents make right decisions concerning clinics and agencies, there is no need to worry about membership of EU. You can read about how to choose a right surrogacy agency on our blog. We will be offering more information gradually. Taking into account all of the advantages that the country offers, the answer is –  yes, parents can and should consider Ukraine as an attractive option for surrogacy.


Surrogacy Destinations for Heterosexual Couples

It happens that surrogacy programs are sometimes the only option left for people with fertility issues. Unfortunately, it is not available at any place, as surrogacy is banned in many countries. Today, we are going to orientate on surrogacy destinations for heterosexual couples. As promised, we are not going to use a bunch of possibly complicated words without definitions , so, heterosexual couple simply means a couple of male and a female partner. You may refer to them as traditional, straight and etc.


We will briefly introduce surrogacy in the following countries : Ukraine, Georgia and Russia. They are considered to be in the list of the most appropriate options, because surrogacy there is legal and regulated by the law.


We have emphasized legality, because as you may have already read here, surrogacy programs are also offered in countries, where it is not regulated by any kind of law. It’s not legal or illegal. As for married couples, it is recommended to find agencies in Ukraine, Georgia and Russia , because such processes as citizenship registration for babies, are significantly easier.


Surrogacy in Ukraine


In Ukraine, surrogacy is only legal if intended parents (IPs) are married. Additionally, they have to provide a confirmation from a doctor that using a surrogate mother is reasonable and essential in their case. However, Ukraine is a remarkable destination due to medical standards. Legislation has enabled parents to be the only legal parents of their newborn. Due to regulations by law,  it’s relatively easy to get a birth certificate for a child and leave the country in a short period of time. Surrogate mothers are not allowed to be genetically connected to the baby, so they can not become egg donors.


Surrogacy in Georgia


Surrogacy in Georgia has been regulated since 1997 and couples from different parts of the world have travelled there to fulfill their dream of becoming parents. Similar to Ukraine, Georgia accepts only legally married couples for surrogacy programs and it is fairly simple to collect all of the needed documents. Birth certificates do not include any kind of information about surrogate mother or egg donor.  Surrogate mothers can not become egg donors at the same time. Georgia is known for high success rate in IVF fertilization as well as professional agencies and clinics.


Surrogacy in Russia


In Russia, intended parents don’t have to be married, single parents are welcome too. Prices are affordable and surrogacy agencies are doing everything to deliver the best results. However, according to the Family Code of Russia, surrogate mother, even if she doesn’t have any genetic link to the baby, is allowed to reject intended parents and refuse to give “her” child for adoption. There have been several court cases in Russia around the issue, so, if possible, IP(s) should require additional guarantees from the surrogacy agencies.


It is essential to be familiar with specifications and regulations before choosing a suitable destination and we recommend future parents to inform themselves as much as possible.



Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Polycystic ovary syndrome is a hormone imbalance that can lead to fertility problems in females. It is in the list of treatable causes of female infertility and can be the result of wrong lifestyle choices.


Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a condition, when females have elevated male hormones (androgens). Hormone imbalance can cause a change in appearance as well as in overall health. Problems can reach and involve ovaries, which as we already know, are responsible for releasing eggs during the ovulation. If eggs are not released and a healthy menstrual cycle is affected, then we may be facing fertility problems.


PCOS can develop at anytime during the childbearing age (18-44 years) and affects up to 10 % of females. Common symptoms include :

  • Irregular menstrual cycle
  • Hair growth  in unwanted areas *
  • Hair loss on the scalp*

*  Thicker and excessive body and facial hair , as well as thinning hair on the scalp are results of extra male hormones.

  • Acne
  • Weight gain, metabolism problems that result in the difficulty to lose extra kilos.


As we have already said, PCOS is caused by high levels of androgens. Another contributor is genetics. If mother or sister have experienced the polycystic ovary syndrome, then it is inherited. Males might be carriers of PCOS as well. Environmental factors are also found to be contributors to the disease.


Apart from genetics and environment, there are several risk factors that can be controlled in order to prevent PCOS :


  • Obesity , not enough physical exercise and activities are on top of the list of risk factors.
  • Smoking females have higher androgen levels that may contribute to PCOS symptoms.
  • Females with  unhealthy eating habits may develop insulin resistance which is  also the cause of  PCOS.*


*  Insulin resistance means body’s inability to respond to this hormone appropriately. Insulin is responsible for “supervising” the transformation of food into energy. When body becomes resistant, the number of this hormone becomes excessive. It is a common symptom of not only PCOS but leads to type 2 diabetes as well.


However, being diagnosed with PCOS doesn’t mean that a female won’t be able to get pregnant. First of all, we have already mentioned that it is one of the treatable causes of infertility.  Doctors will need pelvic exam, blood tests and most likely pelvic ultrasound in order to confirm the disease.


How is polycystic ovary syndrome treated?


Unfortunately, there is no cure to PCOS, however, after observing the case and causes doctor will work on the treatment plan. With the help of this plan, patients will avoid further complications (such as diabetes,heart diseases, high blood pressure). Additionally they will feel a great relief, break their syndromes in smaller parts and find the remedy to each of them accordingly. Patients should know following :


  • Birth control pills reduce the symptoms.
  • Metformin helps to regulate menstrual cycles.
  • Fertility medicines will be prescribed if female has trouble getting pregnant.
  • Exercising and losing weight help to relieve symptoms. Additionally, accomplishing these tasks are usually followed by self-satisfaction and confidence that help females to fight depression, which is commonly the part of PCOS.
  • Quit smoking to not increase the number of male hormones,androgens, artificially.


Acne and extra hair might need some time to diminish but gradually, females will see them disappearing as well. Patients must not forget to check up regularly and treat their symptoms as soon as possible.


With timely appointments, correct attitude and lifestyle, PCOS will no longer be a reason of depression, unsatisfactory health, appearance and what’s most important -infertility.



Male Infertility

Both genders are equally likely to experience fertility issues. To give you an impression of how common male infertility is, it affects approximately 7 % of men’s population. To define shortly, male who can not cause fertile female’s pregnancy, probably has fertility issues.


Generally, male’s ability to fertilize egg depends on the quality and quantity of his sperm. However deficiency of any kind can not be observed with the eye solely. Male may not have a problem with erection, ejaculation or throughout the process of intercourse. Medical examinations and tests are needed to spot the source of the problem.


Besides problems with sperm production, males might have issues with it’s transport. Transportation problems occur due to blockages that prevent sperm from delivering. So we already know that in order for males to be fertile they should :


Produce healthy sperm  – Sperm production happens in testicles, so at least one of them has to be functional.  Infections might be responsible for interfering with sperm production. Hormone imbalances as well as cancers and tumors are common reasons of male reproductive organ dysfunctions.


Ejaculate sperm with semen  – After the sperm production, it must be transported with ease in order to mix with the semen before ejaculation (ejection from penis). One of the common causes are antibodies – the immune system cells. Sometimes they make a mistake, identify sperm as harmful and attack it for destruction.


Produce enough sperm  – If sperm is low in number, chances of fertilizing female egg are decreasing. Common reason of low sperm amount is  leading an unhealthy lifestyle. We will discuss risk factors later in this post.


When males have any kind of discomfort or pain in their testicles, inability to erect or ejaculate, then it is pretty obvious that they should plan consultation with the doctor. Issues can be provoked by trauma or any kind of dysfunction throughout the development period of reproductive system.  Don’t feel scared or ashamed, because in case there is an issue that needs treatment, it’s better to identify it early. On the other hand, lack of sexual drive may happen because of a simple reason (for example a hard times at work) and doctor will only give some useful advices.


Apart from medical problems, of course there are risk factors that are caused by our lifestyle choices. In order to avoid causing problems artificially , males should consider :



  • Drug use and smoking reduce  number and the quality of sperm .


  • Frequent and heavy alcohol usage results in erectile problems as well as decrease of sperm amount.


  • Excess weight and emotional stress  may cause hormonal disbalances that may also lead to male infertility.



It is of greatest importance to not exceed the limits and take care of one’s health.  It is also important to follow doctor’s recommendations precisely. Treatment may include surgical procedure, medicines and even more active sexual lifestyle. Alternative choice can also include using a sperm donor and fertilizing mother’s eggs through In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) technique.


Please do not forget our agreement to stay positive and do not let a negative attitude to strain the situation. 🙂




Surrogacy Destinations for LGBT Couples

Choosing surrogacy destinations for LGBT couples might seem complicated at first sight as they are getting fewer. Lately we have witnessed how India shut its doors to LGBT couples. Cambodia, Nepal and Thailand followed shortly after.

Good news are that a lot of agencies and clinics are doing their best to offer new surrogacy destinations and help LGBT people to become parents. As a result there are several countries where professional surrogacy agencies are welcoming customers independent of their sexual orientation. Currently our list of destinations consists of the following countries :  Mexico, Southeast Asia, Kenya, United States and Canada. Let’s shortly discuss backgrounds and  regulations in each of them.


Surrogacy in Mexico


Similar to the United States, Mexico consists of several states and each has it’s own legislation. After Mexican state of Tabasco banned surrogacy, it was commonly believed that similarly happened in the entire country. However, on the contrary, a number agencies in Mexico are leading surrogacy programs successfully. Mostly, they are operating in Cancun and Mexico City. What needs to be taken into consideration, is that like South East Asia and Kenya, surrogacy is not controlled by the law – it’s neither banned, nor legal. Accordingly, there is a theoretical risk that surrogate mother refuses to give a child to parents. But don’t worry, as practically  these scenarios do not happen merely due to surrogates’ monetary interests.

Mexico is even more attractive option for future parents as it’s a popular tourist destination. Cancun is definitely a dreamy destination for vacation and for investors accordingly. Due to the increasing number of clinics and foreign investments, compared to the  past 3 years the success rate of In Vitro Clinics has grown significantly.


Surrogacy in Southeast Asia


Recent surrogacy bans in Asia (Nepal, Thailand, Cambodia) have been tough and sad because the prices are much affordable in this region. However there are more countries in Southeast Asia that are still good and affordable options for parents.


Surrogacy in Kenya


Surrogacy in Kenya is not regulated by the law either. Despite that, a lot of surrogacy agencies are working successfully in this country. Nairobi , the capital city of Kenya,  is quite developed and even closer to many European cities than some cities in Southeast Asia.  Additionally, Indian doctors, who used to be successful when surrogacy was legal in India, are now owners of clinics in Nairobi. Thanks to professionalism of these doctors, parents do not have to worry about success rate and the quality. Same applies to maternity hospitals.


Surrogacy in the United States


Surrogacy in the United States is legalised in several states. In those states, unlike Mexico, Southeast Asia and Kenya, future parents have more legal assurances. However , taking into account that prices rise up to 100 – 200 000 USD, United States is not an affordable option for most of the couples.


Surrogacy in Canada


In Canada it is illegal to pay a surrogate mother for the service of carrying a child. This is called “commercial surrogacy” and  is prohibited unlike “Altruistic surrogacy”, which means reimbursing a surrogate for all of the expenses that are caused by pregnancy . Parents cover only the realistic costs (such as medical examinations and traveling). A lot of agencies promote altruistic surrogacy programs in Canada, however the prices that are still payable by intended parents are so high that the eventual amount is nearly the same as in the US.


Do not be afraid of going to the countries where surrogacy is not regulated by the law. Despite the sudden and strict ban in Cambodia, Nepal and Thailand all of the parents left countries with their newborns without problems. Just for the information – if you suddenly face the similar surrogacy ban yourself, you will probably exit the country a bit later than it was promised by your agency (for example 2 or 3 months instead of 1).

Female Infertility

The word infertility, at first glance, may sound like something terrifying. Couples become stressed after several unsuccessful efforts and start to give up their hope. Rule number one is to never overreact  and don’t get depressed about the situation that has many solutions. Parents might not even have a serious problem and their negative attitude will only intensify the tension. So let’s discuss what infertility is and what are the factors that cause it.


Couple might consider visiting specialist – reproductive endocrinologist, after unsuccessfully trying to conceive after a year of unprotected interourse. So where is the problem hiding?


Steps leading to pregnancy


  • Release of eggs from female’s ovary, known as ovulation.
  • Male’s sperm joining and fertilizing the egg.
  • Fertilized egg going towards the womb and attaching to the inside.


Problem is hiding and occurring in one of these processes. Normally we can not say in advance which parent is having a fertility issue as both genders are likely to have one. Sometimes it can happen that both parents are completely fertile, but they simply can not make it together. Specialists will do all of the necessary tests to spot the source of a problem. According to the results and prescription,  parents will then know how to continue their way to parenthood.


In today’s world, infertility is quite common. People tend to discuss it more, as the means of solution, including the existence of surrogacy agencies, have changed the attitude of society towards the issue a lot.


Today we will be focusing on female infertility.


What are the risk factors to be aware of?


  • Age *


As women get older, their chances of getting pregnant decrease. This happens due to several reasons :

  •  Ovaries are less capable of releasing eggs.
  •  The number of eggs left are small in number or are not healthy enough.
  •  With age, female is more likely to have a health condition that causes fertility  problems.
  •  Chances of miscarriage are increasing.
  •  Menopause  – age specific condition when female period is becoming irregular.  Ovarian function is declining and so are decreasing the chances of pregnancy.

In order to avoid issues connected with age, women are advised to have a child until the age of 35.


  • Extreme change in weight
  • Physical and mental exhaustion
  • Smoking
  • Frequent alcohol consume
  • Drug use


As you can see, leading healthy lifestyle and taking care of your mental state can contribute a lot to overcoming/ not experiencing fertility problems. However there exist several health conditions that result in infertility.


Common medical reasons of female infertility


  • Pelvic inflammatory disease – infection of female reproductive organs
  • Polyps in the uterus
  • Endometriosis –  tissue that normally lies inside of uterus, grows outside of it.
  • Fibroids – tumors in female reproductive system
  • Chronic illness
  • Hormonal problems
  • Irregular and painful periods – females with irregular periods are likely not ovulating.


When one of the above mentioned issues are present, then women have to act exactly according to doctor’s treatment. It may vary from taking medicines to medical procedures.

What we can say without doubt is that all of the above mentioned problems have a solution and with the right treatment and attitude all of the couples are just one step away from becoming parents. Please don’t forget to take care of your health on regular  basis and you will make the best contribution ever !